Elasticsearch Specific Queries

Elasticsearch offers a rich set of query capabilities, including geospatial queries and regex-based searches, which go beyond the traditional query types found in SQL databases. The Laravel-Elasticsearch integration provides a seamless interface to leverage these powerful features directly within your Laravel models.


The filterGeoBox method allows you to retrieve documents based on geospatial data, specifically targeting documents where a geo-point field falls within a defined "box" on a map. This is particularly useful for applications requiring location-based filtering, such as finding all events within a specific geographical area.

// Define the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of the box
$topLeft = [-10, 10]; // [latitude, longitude]
$bottomRight = [10, -10]; // [latitude, longitude]

// Retrieve UserLogs where 'agent.geo' falls within the defined box
$logs = UserLog::where('status', 7)->filterGeoBox('agent.geo', $topLeft, $bottomRight)->get();


The filterGeoPoint method filters results based on their proximity to a given point, specified by latitude and longitude, within a certain radius.

// Specify the central point and radius
$point = [0, 0]; // [latitude, longitude]
$distance = '20km';

// Retrieve UserLogs where 'agent.geo' is within 20km of the specified point
$logs = UserLog::where('status', 7)->filterGeoPoint('agent.geo', $distance, $point)->get();

The $distance parameter is a string combining a numeric value and a distance unit (e.g., km for kilometers, mi for miles). Refer to the Elasticsearch documentation on distance units for more information.


This method allows you to query for exact case-sensitive matches within a field. This is useful when you need to find a specific value. Keep in mind that the field will also need to have a keyword mapping.

Under the hood, this method uses the term query from Elasticsearch's Query DSL.

return Person::whereExact('name', 'John Smith')->get();


This method allows you to query for exact phrases within a field. This is useful when you need to search for a specific sequence of words within a text field.

Under the hood, this method uses the match_phrase query from Elasticsearch's Query DSL.

return Person::wherePhrase('description', 'loves espressos')->get();

NewNew in v4.0.3 & v3.x.3


Similar to WherePhrase, this method allows you to query for exact phrases where the last word starts with a particular prefix.

Under the hood, this method uses the match_phrase_prefix query from Elasticsearch's Query DSL.

return Person::wherePhrasePrefix('description', 'loves es')->get();

NewNew in v4 & v3.x.1


This method allows you to query for timestamps on a known field and will sanitize the input to ensure it is a valid timestamp for both seconds and milliseconds.

return Product::whereTimestamp('last_viewed', '<=', 1713911889521)->get();


The WhereRegex method allows you to query for documents based on a regular expression pattern within a field.

$regex1 = Product::whereRegex('color', 'bl(ue)?(ack)?')->get();
$regex2 = Product::whereRegex('color', 'bl...*')->get();

RAW DSL Queries

For scenarios where you need the utmost flexibility and control over your Elasticsearch queries, the Laravel-Elasticsearch integration provides the capability to directly use Elasticsearch's Query DSL (Domain Specific Language). The results will still be returned as collections of Eloquent models.

$bodyParams = [
  'query' => [
    'match' => [
      'color' => 'silver',

return Product::rawSearch($bodyParams); //Will search within the products index

return Product::rawSearch($bodyParams,true); //Will return the raw response from Elasticsearch

NewNew in v4 & v3.x.1

RAW Aggregation Queries

Similar to raw search queries, you can also execute raw aggregation queries using Elasticsearch's Aggregation DSL. This allows you to perform complex aggregations on your data and retrieve the results in a structured format.

$body = [
    'aggs' => [
        'price_ranges' => [
            'range' => [
                'field'  => 'price',
                'ranges' => [
                    ['to' => 100],
                    ['from' => 100, 'to' => 500],
                    ['from' => 500, 'to' => 1000],
                    ['from' => 1000],

            'aggs'  => [
                'sales_over_time' => [
                    'date_histogram' => [
                        'field'          => 'datetime',
                        'fixed_interval' => '1d',

return Product::rawAggregation($body);

NewNew in v4.0.3 & v3.x.3


This method returns the parsed DSL query from the query builder. This can be useful when you need to inspect the raw query being generated by the query builder.

$query = Product::where('price', '>', 100)->toDSL();

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