Re-indexing Process

Re-indexing in Elasticsearch is a critical operation, especially when you need to alter the mapping of existing data. This process involves creating a new index with the desired mappings and copying the data from the old index to the new one. Here's a step-by-step example of how this can be achieved using the schema functionality of this plugin.

Missed Mapping

To create a real-world scenario, let's consider a site log system that stores the URL, user IP, and location of visitors.

We'll intentionally overlook the mapping of the location field, which should be mapped as a geo_point type.

Schema::create('site_logs', function (IndexBlueprint $index) {
    // Initially, the 'location' field might be overlooked or incorrectly mapped

Assuming there's a model for this index, you create a record like so:

    'url' => '',
    'user_ip' => '',
    'location' => ['lat' => -7.3, 'lon' => 3.1] // This field is not correctly mapped yet

After some time, you realize that the location field should be mapped as a geo_point type. If you try to filter records based on the location field, you'll get an error because the field is not correctly mapped.


Step 1: Create a Temporary Index with Correct Mapping

Create a temporary index with the correct mapping for the location field.

Schema::create('temp_site_logs', function (IndexBlueprint $index) {
    $index->geo('location'); // Correct mapping for the 'location' field

Step 2: Re-indexing Data to the Temporary Index

Copy all records from the original site_logs index to the temp_site_logs index.

$result = Schema::reIndex('site_logs', 'temp_site_logs');

NB: Verify the success of the re-indexing operation, analyze $result->data for any errors and make sure all the collections were copied to the new index.

$copiedRecords = DB::connection('elasticsearch')->table('my_prefix_temp_site_logs')->count();

Step 3: Delete the Original Index

Once you've confirmed that all data has been successfully copied, delete the original index.


Step 4: Recreating the Original Index with Correct Mapping

Now, recreate the site_logs index with the correct mappings.

Schema::create('site_logs', function (IndexBlueprint $index) {
    $index->geo('location'); // Now with the correct mapping

5: Re-indexing Data Back to the Original Index

Copy the data from the temporary index back to the original index.

$result = Schema::reIndex('temp_site_logs', 'site_logs');

Again, verify the success of the re-indexing operation:

$copiedRecords = DB::connection('elasticsearch')->table('my_prefix_site_logs')->count();

6: Verifying the Correct Functionality

Now, with the location field correctly mapped, filtering operations should work as expected.

$logs = SiteLog::filterGeoBox('location', [-10, 10], [10, -10])->get();

If there is an issue then delete the index and go back to step 4

7: Delete the Temporary Index

Finally, delete the temporary index.


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